Foaming ink

A unique, new ink technology lets energy drink marketer Hobarama, LLC extend its BAWLS Guarana brand to a 16-oz can that replicates the tactile feel of its trademark 'bumpy,' cobalt-blue bottle. With help from Crown Holdings, Inc. Hobarama introduced a corresponding, 16-oz can that uses a new foaming-ink technology from INX Intl. Ink Corp. to simulate the bumps of the 10-oz bottle. Crown suggested the use of foaming ink technology to provide the can with a tactile feel. Says John Corelli, manager of graphics planning, customers and technical service for Crown in North America, "We looked at all the innovations available to us, and we saw that foaming ink is one that causes a texture when it's printed. It has a low gloss, and it can be applied to whatever area of the can you want to have the effect."The foaming ink—produced by an additive that swells when heated—leaves a slightly raised, velvety feel to the can.

Source: packagingdigest.comAdded: 21 February 2007

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